UTBK 2022/Bahasa Inggris
According to UNODC’s World Drug Report 2021, cannabis potency has quadrupled in some parts of the world over the last two decades. Meanwhile, the percentage of adolescents who perceived the drug as harmful fell by as much as 40 per cent. This perception gap prevails despite evidence that cannabis use is associated with a variety of health and other harms. This is especially among regular long-term users.
Moreover, most countries have reported a rise in the use of cannabis during the pandemic. “Lower perception of drug use risks has been linked to higher rates of drug use. The findings of UNODC’s 2021 World Drug Report highlight the need to close the gap between perception and reality to educate young people and safeguard public health,” said UNODC Executive Director, Ghada Waly.
The COVID-19 crisis has pushed more than 100 million people into extreme poverty. It has greatly exacerbated unemployment and inequalities as the world lost 255 million jobs in 2020. Mental health conditions are also on the rise worldwide. These factors have the potential to encourage a rise in drug use disorders. Moreover, changes have already been observed in drug use patterns during the pandemic. This includes increases in the use of cannabis and the non-medical use of pharmaceutical sedatives. Underlying socioeconomic stressors have also likely accelerated demand for these drugs.
In parallel, the report reveals that drug traffickers have quickly recovered from initial setbacks. These initial setbacks have been caused by lockdown restrictions. The drug traffickers are operating at pre-pandemic levels once again. The rise in the use of technology and cryptocurrency payments which are used to operate outside the regular financial system drives it.
Access to drugs has also become simpler than ever with online sales. Major drug markets on the dark web are now worth some $315 million annually. Contactless drug transactions such as through the mail are also on the rise. A trend is possibly accelerated by the pandemic. Drug traffickers are now agile and adaptable in using new online platforms to sell drugs and other substances. The combination of this situation and rapid technological innovation may increase the availability of illicit drugs.

Soal 1
Which of the following best restates the sentence “This perception gap prevails despite evidence that cannabis use is associated with a variety of health and other harms.” in paragraph 1?
(A) The perception of the danger of cannabis on a variety of health and other harms varies.
(B) There is a perception that cannabis is beneficial although it has a variety of health and other harms.
(C) Despite evidence indicating cannabis use is linked to health and other consequences, the perception gap persists.
(D) Cannabis proves its positive impact on health and other harms, therefore, its use keeps increasing.
(E) The views about cannabis keep changing whereas its use is still associated with destruction.
Jawab: (C)
Manakah dari pernyataan berikut yang paling tepat menyatakan kembali kalimat “Kesenjangan persepsi ini tetap ada meskipun ada bukti bahwa penggunaan ganja dikaitkan dengan berbagai dampak buruk terhadap kesehatan dan lainnya.” di paragraf 1?
- Arti kelima pernyataan:
- Persepsi mengenai bahaya ganja terhadap berbagai kesehatan dan dampak buruk lainnya berbeda-beda.
- Ada persepsi bahwa ganja bermanfaat meski memiliki beragam dampak buruk bagi kesehatan dan lainnya.
- Meskipun ada bukti yang menunjukkan penggunaan ganja terkait dengan kesehatan dan konsekuensi lainnya, kesenjangan persepsi masih ada.
- Ganja terbukti berdampak positif terhadap kesehatan dan dampak buruk lainnya, sehingga penggunaannya terus meningkat.
- Pandangan terhadap ganja terus berubah, padahal penggunaannya masih dikaitkan dengan perusakan.
Dari kelima pernyataan yang paling tepat menyatakan Kesenjangan persepsi ini tetap ada meskipun ada bukti bahwa penggunaan ganja dikaitkan dengan berbagai dampak buruk terhadap kesehatan dan lainnya adalah Ada persepsi bahwa ganja bermanfaat meski memiliki beragam dampak buruk bagi kesehatan dan lainnya.
Soal 2
The word “it” in the last sentence of paragraph 4 refers to the ….
(A) drug traffickers’ operation
(B) recovery from initial setbacks
(C) cause of lockdown restrictions
(D) rise of the technology use
(E) regular financial system
Jawab: (A)
Kata “itu” pada kalimat terakhir paragraf 4 mengacu pada …
Paragraf 4 dalam bacaan:
In parallel, the report reveals that drug traffickers have quickly recovered from initial setbacks. These initial setbacks have been caused by lockdown restrictions. The drug traffickers are operating at pre-pandemic levels once again. The rise in the use of technology and cryptocurrency payments which are used to operate outside the regular financial system drives it.
Secara paralel, laporan tersebut mengungkapkan bahwa para pengedar narkoba dengan cepat pulih dari kemunduran awal. Kemunduran awal ini disebabkan oleh pembatasan lockdown. Para pengedar narkoba kembali beroperasi pada tingkat sebelum pandemi. Meningkatnya penggunaan teknologi dan pembayaran mata uang kripto yang digunakan untuk beroperasi di luar sistem keuangan biasa mendorong hal ini.
Dari bacaan dapat diketahui bahwa it merupakan kata ganti untuk kegiatan operasi peredaran narkoba (drug traffickers’ operation). Jadi, The word “it” in the last sentence of paragraph 4 refers to the drug traffickers’ operation (A).
Soal 3
How does paragraph 4 relate to paragraph 5?
(A) Paragraph 4 depicts lockdown restrictions in relation with the challenges of drug traffickers in paragraph 5.
(B) Paragraph 5 illustrates the causes of cannabis used by drug traffickers presented in paragraph 4.
(C) Paragraph 4 and 5 present the examples of technology use by drug traffickers.
(D) Paragraph 5 elaborates further the use of technology explained in paragraph 4.
(E) Paragraph 5 counterargues the key idea in paragraph 4.
Jawab: (D)
Bagaimana hubungan paragraf 4 dengan paragraf 5?
Pargrat 4 pada bacaan:
In parallel, the report reveals that drug traffickers have quickly recovered from initial setbacks. These initial setbacks have been caused by lockdown restrictions. The drug traffickers are operating at pre-pandemic levels once again. The rise in the use of technology and cryptocurrency payments which are used to operate outside the regular financial system drives it.
Paragraf 4 pada bacaan membahas bagaimana penyelundup narkoba dengan cepat beradaptasi dengan pembatasan lockdown, memanfaatkan teknologi dan pembayaran mata uang kripto untuk beroperasi pada tingkat sebelum pandemi.
Pargrat 5 pada bacaan:
Access to drugs has also become simpler than ever with online sales. Major drug markets on the dark web are now worth some $315 million annually. Contactless drug transactions such as through the mail are also on the rise. A trend is possibly accelerated by the pandemic. Drug traffickers are now agile and adaptable in using new online platforms to sell drugs and other substances. The combination of this situation and rapid technological innovation may increase the availability of illicit drugs.
Pada paragraf 5 memberikan contoh-contoh para penyelundup narkoba memanfaatkan teknologi seperti penjualan online, pasar web gelap, dan transaksi nirkontak, untuk meningkatkan ketersediaan obat-obatan terlarang.
Dapat ditarik kesimpulan bahwa paragraf 5 menguraikan kemajuan teknologi yang disebutkan dalam paragraf 4. Jadi, jawaban untuk pertanyaan How does paragraph 4 relate to paragraph 5 adalah Paragraph 5 elaborates further the use of technology explained in paragraph 4 (D).
Soal 4
Based on the infographic, we can predict that perception of destructive cannabis among adolescents … in the future.
(A) notably fluctuates
(B) significantly increases
(C) slightly remains the same
(D) reasonably preserves
(E) moderately shrinks
Jawab: (E)
Berdasarkan infografik tersebut, kita dapat memprediksi persepsi tentang ganja yang merusak di kalangan remaja … di masa depan.
Dari infografik nampak bahwa jumlah remaja di tahun 1995 yang menganggap ganja itu berbahaya lebih banyak dari jumlah remaja di tahun 2019 yang menganggap bahwa ganja itu berbahaya. Sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa persepsi bahaya ganja di kalangan remaja semakin menurun seiring berjalannya waktu.
Dengan begitu, persepsi ganja sebagai sesuatu yang merusak di kalangan remaja diperkirakan akan berkurang secara moderat (moderately shrinks) di masa depan. Jadi, Based on the infographic, we can predict that perception of destructive cannabis among adolescents moderately shrinks in the future.
Soal 5
From the infographic, we learn that the ….
(A) number of adolescents who think cannabis is risky is greater in 1995 than in 2019
(B) number of adolescents who perceive the cannabis potency is fewer in 2019 than in 1995
(C) cannabis herb potency is greater in 1995 than in 2019
(D) increasing cannabis potency is in line with the rising risk perception among adolescents
(E) production of cannabis herb in 1995 was higher than in 2019
Jawab: (D)
Dari infografik tersebut kita mengetahui bahwa …
- Informasi yang dapat diperoleh dari infografi yang diberikan:
- Terjadi penurunan banyak remaja di tahun 1995 dan 2019 mengenai persepsi bahaya ganja
- Potensi ganja telah meningkat empat kali lipat di tahun 2019 dibanding tahun 1995
Dari kedua informasi tersebut dapat disimpulkan bahwa terdapat hubungan antara peningkatan potensi ganja sejalan dengan meningkatnya persepsi risiko di kalangan remaja. Jadi, jawaban untuk From the infographic, we learn that the adalah increasing cannabis potency is in line with the rising risk perception among adolescents (D).
Soal 6
All the following sentences are true according to the passage, EXCEPT …
(A) the Covid-19 forced people to be unemployed
(B) the potential use of cannabis has doubled around the globe
(C) illegal drugs are increasingly available because of the rapid technological advancement
(D) the increase of drug use is highly likely due to lower perception of drug use risks
(E) socioeconomic factors trigger the increased use of drugs
Jawab: (B)
Semua kalimat berikut ini benar menurut bacaan tersebut, KECUALI …
- the Covid-19 forced people to be unemployed (Covid-19 memaksa orang untuk menganggur) → TRUE
Lihat pargraf 3 kalimat 2: The COVID-19 crisis has pushed more than 100 million people into extreme poverty. It has greatly exacerbated unemployment and inequalities as the world lost 255 million jobs in 2020 (Hal ini telah memperburuk pengangguran dan kesenjangan ketika dunia kehilangan 255 juta pekerjaan pada tahun 2020.)
- the potential use of cannabis has doubled around the globe (potensi penggunaan ganja meningkat dua kali lipat di seluruh dunia) → FALSE
Pada bacaan membahas tentang peningkatan potensi ganja di beberapa bagian dunia namun TIDAK menghitung peningkatan potensi penggunaan ganja.
- illegal drugs are increasingly available because of the rapid technological advancement (obat-obatan terlarang semakin banyak tersedia karena kemajuan teknologi yang pesat) → TRUE
Lihat paragraf 4 kalimat 3: In parallel, the report reveals that drug traffickers have quickly recovered from initial setbacks. These initial setbacks have been caused by lockdown restrictions. The drug traffickers are operating at pre-pandemic levels once again. The rise in the use of technology and cryptocurrency payments which are used to operate outside the regular financial system drives it (Meningkatnya penggunaan teknologi dan pembayaran mata uang kripto yang digunakan untuk beroperasi di luar sistem keuangan biasa mendorong operasi peredaran ganja).
- the increase of drug use is highly likely due to lower perception of drug use risks (peningkatan penggunaan narkoba kemungkinan besar disebabkan oleh rendahnya persepsi risiko penggunaan narkoba) → TRUE
Pada paragraf 1 terdapat keteragan Meanwhile, the percentage of adolescents who perceived the drug as harmful fell by as much as 40 per cent (Sementara itu, persentase remaja yang menganggap narkoba berbahaya turun sebanyak 40 persen). Ada persepsi seperti ini dapat membuat pengguna narkoba meningkat.
- socioeconomic factors trigger the increased use of drugs (faktor sosial ekonomi menjadi pemicu meningkatnya penggunaan narkoba) → TRUE
Lihat paragraf tiga: … Moreover, changes have already been observed in drug use patterns during the pandemic. This includes increases in the use of cannabis and the non-medical use of pharmaceutical sedatives. Underlying socioeconomic stressors have also likely accelerated demand for these drugs (Penyebab stres sosio-ekonomi yang mendasarinya juga kemungkinan besar telah mempercepat permintaan terhadap obat-obatan ini).
Jadi, All the following sentences are true according to the passage, EXCEPT the potential use of cannabis has doubled around the globe (B).
Soal 7
What is the best title of the passage?
(A) The Development of Global Drug Markets
(B) The Use of Cannabis for Medication
(C) The Impact of Drug on People’s Health and Livelihoods
(D) The Role of Technology in Escalating Drug Risks
(E) The Increased Use of Drug due to Covid Pandemic
Jawab: (D)
Apa judul terbaik dari bagian tersebut?
Gagasan utama bacaan membicarakan bagaimana kemajuan teknologi telah mempengaruhi perdagangan dan ketersediaan narkoba. Di mana kemajuan teknologi tersebut mengarah pada potensi peningkatan risiko peredaran narkoba.
Jadi, jawaban untuk What is the best title of the passage? adalah The Role of Technology in Escalating Drug Risks (D).
Soal 8
What can be concluded about the use of drugs from the passage?
(A) An increase use of cannabis and the non-medical use of pharmaceutical sedatives is frightening.
(B) Technological innovation generates rapid drug transactions.
(C) A lot of young people do not understand the use of drugs.
(D) The sale of drugs in dark web reaches million of dollars yearly.
(E) Contactless drug transactions accelerate the number of drug traffickers.
Jawab: (D)
Apa yang dapat disimpulkan tentang penggunaan narkoba dari bagian tersebut?
Pada paragraf 5 kalimat 2 terdapat keterangan: Major drug markets on the dark web are now worth some $315 million annually (Pasar obat-obatan terlarang di web gelap kini bernilai sekitar $315 juta per tahun). Dari pernyataan ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa penjualan narkoba di web gelap mencapai jutaan dolar setiap tahunnya.
Jadi, jawaban untuk What can be concluded about the use of drugs from the passage? adalah The sale of drugs in dark web reaches million of dollars yearly (D).
Soal 9
The author’s attitude regarding cannabis is ….
(A) supporting
(B) neutral
(C) loving
(D) thankful
(E) patronising
Jawab: (B)
Sikap penulis terhadap ganja adalah ….
Bacaan menyajikan informasi faktual mengenai penggunaan ganja, potensinya, dan dampaknya terhadap persepsi dan kesehatan masyarakat. Dalam bacaan TIDAK terdapat unsur dukungan (supporting), cinta (loving), rasa terima kasih (thankful), atau melindungi (patronosing) terhadap ganja.
Oleh karena itu, kata “netral” paling tepat menggambarkan sikap penulis terhadap ganja dalam konteks ini.
Soal 10
The passage can be generally found in ….
(A) a popular magazine
(B) a scholarly journal
(C) conference proceedings
(D) reference works
(E) a newspaper report
Jawab: (B)
Bacaan ini umumnya dapat ditemukan di ….
Pada bacaan terdapat menyajikan informasi tentang penggunaan narkoba, perdagangan narkoba, dan isu-isu terkait secara faktual dan analitis menurut temuan-temuan dari Laporan Narkoba Dunia UNODC 2021. Konten jenis ini biasanya ditemukan di jurnal ilmiah tempat temuan dan analisis penelitian dipublikasikan untuk kepentingan akademis.
Jadi, jawaban untuk The passage can be generally found in adalah a scholarly journal.