Digital scent technology refers to the online communication using the human nose. It is a crucial application for electronic nose (e – nose). E nose is a device that analyses the chemical content of specific odour and identifies it. Digital scent technology enables the transmission of odour over the internet. The technology works with the help of olfactometers and electronic nose. Digital scent technology provides its users with several benefits. One of the benefits is they can smell the product before buying it online. For instance, a California-based company, Digiscents Inc., has created a small device called iSmell. It has its own diver. It can be connected through a personal computer via serial ports.
Digital scent technology works by coding aromas. Such aromas are then downloaded in computers as audible sounds. This technology enable the users to produce and modify their personal fragrances. High cost of electronic nose and delays between successive smell tastes are some restraints faced by the global digital scent technology market. For instance, digital scent technology used in the field of defence and clinical diagnosis is relatively expensive. This acts as a barrier for further expansion of the market. Unpredictability of air flow is another major factor that hinders the transmission of digitalized smell. This problem also restricts the usage of digital scent technology.
The global digital scent technology market can be classified based on its type, application, and end-user industry. In terms of type, the market can be segmented into scent synthesizer and electronic nose. The electronic nose market segment is expected to hold substantial share of the market because it has been extensively used in the defence and healthcare sectors. In terms of application, the digital scent technology market can be segmented into mobile phones, music and video games, smelling screens, medical diagnostic products, and so forth. In terms of end-user industry, one of the sectors enjoying this technology is the healthcare sector. Digital scent technology is used in aromatherapy. This may cure certain diseases by employing different types of smells.
Question – 1
What is the relationship between the ideas in paragraphs 1 and 2?
(A) The brief definition of digital scent technology in paragraph 1 is further elaborated through a number of useful application programs in paragraph 2.
(B) Paragraph 1 mentions several devices to support digital scent technology followed by the explanation of developing such devices in paragraph 2.
(C) The author’s agreement of digital scent technology development in paragraph 1 is contrasted with the idea of its termination in paragraph 2.
(D) The definition of digital scent technology in paragraph 1 is followed by a number of its applications in various sectors in paragraph 2.
(E) Paragraph 1 contains the overview of digital scent technology followed by the obstacles in its development in paragraph 2.
Jawab: (E)
What is the relationship between the ideas in paragraphs 1 and 2?
Apa hubungan gagasan pada paragraf 1 dan 2?
Topik pembahasan pada paragraf 1 mengenalkan gambaran sebuah teknologi pengharum digital (digital scent technology).
Paragraf 1:
Teknologi pengharum digital mengacu pada komunikasi online menggunakan hidung manusia. Ini adalah aplikasi penting untuk hidung elektronik (e – nose). E nose adalah alat yang menganalisis kandungan kimia dari bau tertentu dan mengidentifikasinya. Teknologi pengharum digital memungkinkan transmisi bau melalui internet. Teknologi ini bekerja dengan bantuan olfaktometer dan hidung elektronik. Teknologi pengharum digital memberikan beberapa manfaat bagi penggunanya. Salah satu manfaatnya adalah mereka bisa mencium bau produk sebelum membelinya secara online. Misalnya, perusahaan yang berbasis di California, Digiscents Inc., telah membuat perangkat kecil bernama iSmell. Ia memiliki penyelamnya sendiri. Itu dapat dihubungkan melalui komputer pribadi melalui port serial.
Sementara topik pembahasan pada paragraf 2 memberikan informasi mengenai pengembangan dan hambatan yang dihadapi dalam pembuatan teknologi ini.
Pragraf 2:
Teknologi pengharum digital bekerja dengan mengkodekan aroma. Aroma tersebut kemudian diunduh di komputer sebagai suara yang dapat didengar. Teknologi ini memungkinkan pengguna untuk memproduksi dan memodifikasi wewangian pribadi mereka. Tingginya biaya hidung elektronik dan penundaan antara penciuman berturut-turut adalah beberapa kendala yang dihadapi oleh pasar teknologi aroma digital global. Misalnya, teknologi pengharum digital yang digunakan dalam bidang pertahanan dan diagnosis klinis relatif mahal. Hal ini bertindak sebagai penghalang untuk perluasan pasar lebih lanjut. Aliran udara yang tidak dapat diprediksi merupakan faktor utama lain yang menghambat transmisi bau digital. Masalah ini juga membatasi penggunaan teknologi pengharum digital.
Pada paragraf 1, penulis memperkenalkan teknologi aroma digital dengan cara memberikan definisi singkat.
Pada paragraf 2, penulis memperluas informasi dengan membahas penerapan dan manfaat teknologi pengharum digital, serta beberapa tantangan yang dihadapi. Fokus utama paragraf 2 adalah penerapan dan tantangannya, bukan hanya hambatan dalam pengembangannya.
Jadi, jawaban untuk What is the relationship between the ideas in paragraphs 1 and 2? adalah The definition of digital scent technology in paragraph 1 is followed by a number of its applications in various sectors in paragraph 2 (D).
Question – 2
Which of the following best restate the underlined sentence in paragraph 2?
(A) The success of smell tastes in the global digital scent technology market depends on the price of electronic nose.
(B) We do not yet enjoy the digital scent technology because it is expensive and it has not been perfectly developed.
(C) People face the problem of delay in developing technology related to digital scent in the global market.
(D) The production of electronic nose has been delayed because it has been limited by the global digital scent technology market.
(E) An electronic nose cost a lot and delay is the successful decision in marketing the global digital scent technology.
Jawab: (B)
Which of the following best restate the underlined sentence in paragraph 2?
Manakah dari kalimat berikut yang paling tepat menyatakan kembali kalimat yang digarisbawahi di paragraf 2?
Kalimat yang diberi garis bawah di paragraf 2:
High cost of electronic nose and delays between successive smell tastes are some restraints faced by the global digital scent technology market.
Tingginya biaya electronic nose dan penundaan antara penciuman berturut-turut adalah beberapa kendala yang dihadapi oleh pasar teknologi aroma digital global.
Kalimat tersebut menyatakan dua hambatan yang dihadapi dalam pembuatan digital scent technology. Dua hambatan tersebut adalah biaya yang tinggi (high cost) dan penundaan antara penciuman berturut-turut between successive smell tastes.
Dari pernyataan tersebut dapat disimpulkan bahwa teknologi pengharum digital belum dapat dinikmati karena mahal dan belum dikembangkan secara sempurna (karena adanya penundaan antara penciuman berturut-turut).
Jadi, jawaban untuk Which of the following best restate the underlined sentence in paragraph 2? adalah We do not yet enjoy the digital scent technology because it is expensive and it has not been perfectly developed (E).
Question – 3
All of following statements are true according to the passage, EXCEPT ….
(A) digital scent technology benefits people who want to purchase certain product online
(B) unpredictable air flow is one of the obstacles in digital scent technology
(C) iSmell is the latest development of digital scent technology
(D) digital scent technology is an expensive technology
(E) electronic nose is helpful in developing digital scent technology
Jawab: (C)
All of following statements are true according to the passage, EXCEPT ….
Semua pernyataan berikut ini benar menurut bacaan tersebut, KECUALI….
- (A) digital scent technology benefits people who want to purchase certain product online: TRUE, keterangan mengenai pernytaan ini terdapat pada kalimat 7 paragraf 1 yaitu One of the benefits is they can smell the product before buying it online.
- (B) unpredictable air flow is one of the obstacles in digital scent technology: TRUE, dari kalimat 7 paragraf 2 dapat digunakan untuk menyimpulkan kebenaran pernyataan ini yaitu Unpredictability of air flow is another major factor that hinders the transmission of digitalized smell.
- (C) iSmell is the latest development of digital scent technology: FALSE, keterangan mengenai iSmell terdapat pada kalimat 9 paragraf 1 yaitu … Digiscents Inc., has created a small device called iSmell. Keterangan tersebut menegaskan bahwa iSmell merupakan sebuah perangkat (device), bukan merupakan perkembangan terkini dari teknologi pengharum digital.
- (D) digital scent technology is an expensive technology: TRUE, pernyataan mengenai salah satu hambatan yag dihadai dalam mengembangkan digital scent technology adalah harga terdapat pada kalimat 3 paragraf 2 yaitu High cost of electronic nose and delays …
- (E) electronic nose is helpful in developing digital scent technology: TRUE, keterangan mengenai electonis nose (e-nose) terdapat pada kalimat 3 paragraf 1 yaitu E nose is a device that analyses the chemical content of specific odour and identifies it. Kalimat tersebut menerangkan fungsi E nose yang dapat bergunua dalam mengembangkan teknologi pengharum digital.
Jadi, jawaban untuk All of following statements are true according to the passage, EXCEPT … adalah iSmell is the latest development of digital scent technology.
Question – 4
From this passage we can assume that ….
(A) a pilot study on the capability of digital scent technology has been conducted
(B) high predictability of air flow helps the smooth development of digital scent
(C) digital scent technology still needs some improvements
(D) aromatherapy is the only benefit of digital scent technology in healthcare sector
(E) scent synthesizer and E-nose are less developed compared to other digital scent devices
From this passage we can assume that ….
Dari bacaan ini kita dapat berasumsi bahwa ….
Asumsi adalah dugaan yang diterima sebagai dasar; landasan berpikir karena dianggap benar. Sehingga asumsi dari bacaan di atas dapat ditarik dengan memahami bacaan secara umum.
Pada bacaan menyebutkan beberapa kendala yang dihadapi Digital scent technology di pasar globar seperti high cost of electronic nose, delays between successive smell tastes, and the unpredictability of air flow as a major factor hindering the transmission of digitalized smell. Dari keterangan tersebut dapat disimpulkan bahwa teknologi ini masih butuh pengembangan.
Jadi, jawaban untuk From this passage we can assume that …. adalah digital scent technology still needs some improvements.
Question – 5
Which of the following can be concluded from the passage?
(A) Digital scent technology provides a particular market to promote its benefits.
(B) Digital scent technology is just a dream of people working in a technology sector.
(C) Digital scent technology won’t be able to satisfy human’s needs.
(D) Digital scent technology improves the effectiveness of human’s online interaction.
(E) Digital scent technology can be used in mobile phone and video games.
Jawab: (E)
Which of the following can be concluded from the passage?
Manakah dari pernyataan berikut yang dapat disimpulkan dari bacaan tersebut?
Pada bacaan di atas menyebutkan penerapan teknologi pengharum digital di berbagai sektor seperti ponsel, musik, dan video game (kalimat 4 paragraf 3). Oleh karena itu dapat disimpulkan bahwa pernyataan yang disimpulkan dari bacaan adalah digital scent technology dapat digunakan pada ponsel (mobile phone) dan video games.
Jadi, jawaban untuk Which of the following can be concluded from the passage? adalah Digital scent technology can be used in mobile phone and video games (E).