Researchers have debunked the myth that extreme sportsmen and women adrenalin junkies with a death wish. According to Professor Brymer from Leeds Beckett University, there had been a gross misunderstanding of what motivates people to take part in extreme sports. Many write it off as an activity for adrenalin junkies.

His research has shown that people who engage in extreme sports are anything but irresponsible risk-takers with a death wish. They are highly trained individuals with a deep knowledge of themselves, the activity, and the environment. They usually do the activity to have a life-enhancing experience. The experience is very hard to describe in the same way that love is hard to describe. For example, BASE jumpers talk about being able to see all the colors and nooks and crannies of the rock as they zoom past at 300 km/h. Meanwhile, extreme climbers feel like they are floating and dancing with the rock.

Professor Schwitzer said understanding motivations for extreme sports was important to understand human. In fact, extreme sports participation facilitates more psychological experiences and expresses human values. These include humility, harmony, creativity, spirituality, and a vital sense of self.

He added that extreme sports participants found it hard to put their experiences into words. Thus, the research project had taken a new approach to understanding the data. His research team did not employ a theory-based approach which may take judgements that do not reflect the lived experience of extreme sports participants. Instead, they look a phenomenological approach. By doing so, they were able to conceptualize such experiences. They could also investigate the choices to engage in activity which may lead to dead. However, such experiences have been shown to be affirmative of life and the potential for transformation. Extreme sports have the potential to induce powerful states of consciousness. … and provide a further glimpse into what it means to be human.

Adapted from

Soal 1

1. The paragraph preceding the passage most likely discusses ….

(A) types and examples of extreme sportsmen and women

(B) news coverage on incidents linked to extreme sports athletes

(C) the rising trend of people taking part in extreme sports

(D) circulating sportsmen and women rumors about adrenalin junkies 

(E) result of earlier studies on extreme sports accidents

Jawab: (D)

Pada paragraf pertama terdapat keterangan bahwa para peneliti membantah mitos bahwa olahragawan ekstrem dan wanita pecandu adrenalin memiliki keinginan untuk mati (…extreme sportsmen and women adrenalin junkies with a death wish).

Dari keterangan tersebut dapat disimpulkan bahwa bacaan sebelumnya membahas mengenai rumor mengenai olahragawan dan wanita pecandu adrenalin. Jadi, jawaban untuk The paragraph preceding the passage most likely discusses adalah circulating sportsmen and women rumours about adrenalin junkies (D).

Soal 2

The word ‘debunked’ in paragraph I in the passage is closest in meaning to ….

(A) corrected

(B) disproved

(C) neglected

(D) discontented

(E) deconstructed

Jawab: (B)

Arti kata debunked dalam kalimat pertama paragraf (1) adalah dibantah. Arti untuk lima kata yang diberikan pada pilihan terdapat pada tabel berikut.

discontentedtidak puas

Jadi, jawaban untuk The word ‘debunked’ in paragraph I in the passage is closest in meaning to adalah disproved (B).

Soal 3

3. From paragraph 1, the author of the passage is trying to convey that …

(A) doing extreme sports may cause death

(B) extreme sports can lead to addiction to adrenalin

(C) extreme sports are only played by adrenalin junkies

(D) extreme sports can be played by men and women

(E) motivations of extreme sports athletes have been mistake

Jawab: (E)

Dari paragraf (1) dapat diketahui bahwa:
Researchers have debunked the myth that extreme sportsmen and women adrenalin junkies with a death wish. According to Professor Brymer from Leeds Beckett University, there had been a gross misunderstanding of what motivates people to take part in extreme sports. Many write it off as an activity for adrenalin junkies.

Para peneliti telah membantah mitos bahwa olahragawan ekstrem dan wanita pecandu adrenalin memiliki keinginan untuk mati. Menurut Profesor Brymer dari Universitas Leeds Beckett, terdapat kesalahpahaman besar mengenai apa yang memotivasi orang untuk ikut serta dalam olahraga ekstrem. Banyak yang menganggapnya sebagai aktivitas bagi para pecandu adrenalin.

Kesimpulan yang dapat ditarik dari paragraf tersebut adalah upaya penulis untuk menjelaskan adanya kekeliruan mengenai motivasi atlet olahraga ekstrem. Jadi, jawaban untuk From paragraph 1, the author of the passage is trying to convey that adalah motivations of extreme sports athletes have been mistake (E).

Soal 4

The author describes the intentions behind people’s participation in extreme sports most effectively in paragraph …

(A)   1

(B)   2 

(C)   3

(D) 4

(E) 3 dan 4 

Jawab: (B)

Penjelasan mengenai penjelasan dibalik partisipasi masyarakat dalam olahraga ekstrim terdapat di paragraf kedua.

His research has shown that people who engage in extreme sports are anything but irreponsible risk-takers with a death wish. They are highly trained individuals with a deep knowledge of themselves, the activity, and the environment. They usually do the activity to have a life-enhancing experience. The experience is very hard to describe in the same way that love is hard to describe. For example, BASE jumpers talk about being able to see all the colours and nooks and crannies of the rock as they zoom past at 300 km/h. Meanwhile, extreme climbers feel like they are floating and dancing with the rock.

Mereka biasanya melakukan aktivitas tersebut untuk mendapatkan pengalaman yang meningkatkan kehidupan. Pengalaman ini sangat sulit untuk dijelaskan dengan cara yang sama seperti cinta yang sulit untuk dijelaskan.

Jadi, jawaban untuk The author describes the intentions behind people’s participation in extreme sports most effectively in paragraph adalah 2 (B).

Soal 5

According to Professor Schweitzer, examining people’s … behind doing extreme sports can aid us in making sense of human.

(A) drive

(B) concern

(C) courage

(D) pleasure

(E) excitement

Jawab: (C)

According to Professor Schweitzer, examining people’s … behind doing extreme sports can aid us in making sense of human.

Menurut Professor Schweitzer, meneliti … orang-orang di belakang melakukan olahraga ekstrem dapat membantu kita memahami manusia.

Kata yang tepat untuk mengisi bagian rumpang adalah keberanian (courage). Jadi, According to Professor Schweitzer, examining people’s courage behind doing extreme sports can aid us in making sense of human.

Soal 6

Extreme sports … allow their participants to achieve a positive state of mind and demonstrate virtues.

(A) might

(B) should

(C) must

(D) would

(E) shall

Jawab: (A)

Dari paragraf (3):
In fact, extreme sports participation facilitates more psychological experiences and expresses human values. These include humility, harmony, creativity, spirituality, and a vital sense of self.

Faktanya, partisipasi olahraga ekstrem memfasilitasi lebih banyak pengalaman psikologis dan mengekspresikan nilai-nilai kemanusiaan. Ini termasuk kerendahan hati, harmoni, kreativitas, spiritualitas, dan rasa percaya diri yang vital.

Dari keterangan tersebut dapat diketahui bahwa olahraga ekstrim memungkinkan pesertanya berpikir positif. Jadi, Extreme sports might allow their participants to achieve a positive state of mind and demonstrate virtues.

Soal 7

Based on the statements above, if the research team had taken a theory-based approach, they…. sheer details in the extreme sports participant’s experiences.

(A) will not uncover

(B) would not uncover

(C) will not have uncovered

(D) would not be uncovered

(E) would not have uncovered

Jawab: (E)

Frasa yang tepat untuk mengisi bagian yang kosong menggunakan bentuk pola kalimat pengandain (conditional sentence) bentuk ketiga yaitu If + S + had + V3, S + would + have (have not) + V3. Sehingga, frasa yang tepat untuk mengisi bagian yang kosong adalah would not have uncovered.

Based on the statements above, if the research team had taken a theory-based approach, they would not have uncovered sheer details in the extreme sports participants’ experiences (Jika tim peneliti mengambil pendekatan berbasis teori, mereka tidak akan mengungkap rincian pengalaman peserta olahraga ekstrem).

Soal 8

According to the passage, it can be hypothesized that the more…. the more ….

(A) trained the participants are – often they play the sports

(B) adrenalin rush they experience – skillful they become 50

(C) motivated the participants are – they are reluctant to join the research

(D) extreme the sports are – the participants enjoy them

(E) the risk of the sports – irresponsible the participants are

Jawab: (D)

Hipotesis dari penelitian dapat diambil dari keterangan atlet olahraga ekstrem yang diberikan pada paragraf 2.

The experience is very hard to describe in the same way that love is hard to describe. For example, BASE jumpers talk about being able to see all the colors and nooks and crannies of the rock as they zoom past at 300 km/h. Meanwhile, extreme climbers feel like they are floating and dancing with the rock.

Pengalaman ini sangat sulit untuk dijelaskan dengan cara yang sama seperti cinta yang sulit untuk dijelaskan. Misalnya, pelompat BASE berbicara tentang kemampuan melihat semua warna, sudut, dan celah batu saat mereka melaju dengan kecepatan 300 km/jam. Sedangkan pendaki ekstrim merasa seperti melayang dan menari bersama batu.

Hipotesis yang diambil berkaitan dengan tingkat ekstrim olahraga dan pengalaman yang diperoleh. Semakin ekstrim olahraganya, semakin banyak pulan yang dinikmati oleh pesertanya.

Sehingga,  According to the passage, it can be hypothesized that the more extreme the sports are the more the participants enjoy them.

Soal 9

The author would apparently agree that the phenomenon of extreme sports and their participants discussed in the passage is similar to the phenomenon between ….

(A) teeth and dentists

(B) toys and students

(C) games and software developers

(D) pianos and pianists

(E) books and publishers

Jawab: (D)

Fenomena olahraga ekstrim dan partisipannya yang dibahas pada bagian tersebut berkaitan dengan rasa puas yang diperoleh setelah melakukan sesuatu. Fenomena ini serupa dengan seorang pianis yang bisa memainkan piano. Kemampuan untuk memainkan melodi nada menimbulkan rasa puas dan bangga.

Jadi, jawaban untuk The author would apparently agree that the phenomenon of extreme sports and their participants discussed in the passage is similar to the phenomenon between adalah pianos and pianists.

Soal 10

The option that best completes the last sentences of the passage is ….

(A) Extreme sports releases negative emotions and past trauma

(B) It is where the participants level up their sports skills

(C) Extreme sports allow an escape from numbing dullness in the workplace

(D) These experience enrich the lives of participants

(E) Extreme sports take exercises to another perspective to humanity

Jawab: (D)

The option that best completes the last sentences of the passage is …. (Pilihan yang paling tepat untuk melengkapi kalimat terakhir paragraf tersebut adalah ….)

Bacaan memberikan informasi mengenai aspek positif dari pengalaman olahraga ekstrem. Fokus bacaan menerangkan aspek-aspek positif dari olahraga ekstrem seperti peningkatan pengalaman hidup, pemahaman nilai-nilai kemanusiaan, dan potensi transformatif. Dari pernyataan ini dapat digunakan untuk menentukan kalimat terakhir yang sesuai untuk bacaan tersebut adalah yang sesuai adalah These experience enrich the lives of participants (Pengalaman ini memperkaya kehidupan para peserta).

Jadi, The option that best completes the last sentences of the passage is These experience enrich the lives of participants.