UTBK 2024/Literasi Bahasa Inggris

June 15, 2023
For me, the biggest challenge has been actually going to the gym to exercise. I’d be interested to hear what other people do to keep themselves motivated and on schedule. Any tips?
June 16, 2023
It’s so hard to feel motivated to go to the gym regularly, especially when you have to travel to get there. I usually go wish my roommates, so we can keep each other accountable.
June 16, 2023
About going to the gym regularly, as Benjamin said, if you have somebody to go with you, you can encourage each other into doing the right thing.
June 18, 2023
Going to the gym is overrated. People go there just to post pictures on social media with fancy sportwear. They’re such a bunch of show offs!
June 18, 2023
I personally found that exercising became much easier once I gave up the gym and started doing it at home instead. It is saved a bunch of time and money, not to mention anxiety. A pair of running shoes and some weights were all I needed.
Ashley Anderson
June 19, 2023
If you can afford it, getting a personal trainer makes a huge difference. I find it hard not to work out without one. It helps give you goals, focus, and correct form, which are a great source of encouragement. I’ve been lucky enough to have a trainer who shares a lot of similar hobbies.

Soal 1

The purpose of Miller2018’s response to Mia Collins’s post is to ….
(A) support Benjamin’s post on having a friend to go with
(B) provide another option by setting up a regular schedule
(C) offer a different opinion about the right thing to do at the gym
(D) challenge Benjamin’s idea about going to the gym
(E) give new tips on making more friends at the gym

Jawab: (A)

The purpose of Miller2018’s response to Mia Collins’s post is to
Tujuan tanggapan Miller2018 terhadap postingan Mia Collins adalah untuk …

Respon Miller2018:
About going to the gym regularly, as Benjamin said, if you have somebody to go with you, you can encourage each other into doing the right thing.

Tentang pergi ke pusat kebugaran secara teratur, seperti yang dikatakan Benjamin, jika kamu memiliki seseorang untuk pergi bersama kamu, kamu dapat saling menyemangati untuk melakukan hal yang benar.

Pernyataan ini satu suara dengan pernyataan Benjamin: It’s so hard to feel motivated to go to the gym regularly, especially when you have to travel to get there. I usually go wish my roommates, so we can keep each other accountable.

Sangat sulit untuk merasa termotivasi untuk pergi ke pusat kebugaran secara teratur, terutama jika Anda harus bepergian jauh untuk sampai ke sana. Saya biasanya meminta teman sekamar saya (untuk menemani pergi ke gym), sehingga kami dapat saling mengingatkan.

Jadi, tujuan tanggapan Miller2018 terhadap postingan Mia Collins adalah untuk mendukung postingan Benjamin tentang memiliki teman untuk pergi bersama.

The purpose of Miller2018’s response to Mia Collins’s post is to support Benjamin’s post on having a friend to go with (A).

Soal 2

Who post the least relevant response to Mia_Collins’ question?
(A) Benjamin
(B) Miller 2018
(C) Jessica_luuvy
(D) Aisa_Rose
(E) Ashiley Anderson

Jawab: (D)

Who post the least relevant response to Mia_Collins’ question?
Siapa yang memberikan respons paling tidak relevan terhadap pertanyaan Mia_Collins?

Mia_Coolins’ post:
For me, the biggest challenge has been actually going to the gym to exercise. I’d be interested to hear what other people do to keep themselves motivated and on schedule. Any tips?

Bagi saya, tantangan terbesar adalah pergi ke pusat kebugaran untuk berolahraga. Saya tertarik mendengar apa yang dilakukan orang lain untuk tetap termotivasi dan sesuai jadwal. Ada kiat?

Postingan Mia_Collins menanyakan tips agar memiliki motivasi untuk pergi ke pusat kebugaran. Respon yang paling tidak sesuai ada pada komentar Jessica_luuvy.

Pada komentarnya, Jessica_luuvy menyatakan:
Going to the gym is overrated. People go there just to post pictures on social media with fancy sportwear. They’re such a bunch of show offs!

Pergi ke pusat kebugaran itu berlebihan. Orang-orang pergi ke sana hanya untuk mengunggah foto di media sosial dengan pakaian olahraga yang mewah. Mereka benar-benar orang yang suka pamer!

Pernyataan yang ditebalkan menegaskan bahwa Jessica_luuvy sama sekali tidak memberikan saran. Sebaliknya, Jessica_luuvy memberikan tanggapan negatif mengenai pusat kebugaran.

Jadi, respons yang paling tidak relevan terhadap pertanyaan Mia_Collins adalah postingan dari Jessica_luuvy.

Who post the least relevant response to Mia_Collins’ question? Jessica_luuvy.

Soal 3

Who suggests having a personal fitness coach to maintain motivation to go the gym by giving evidence?
(A) Benjamin
(B) Miller2018
(C) Jessica_luuvy
(D) Aisa_Rose
(E) Ashley Anderson

Jawab: (E)

Who suggests having a personal fitness coach to maintain motivation to go the gym by giving evidence?
Siapa yang menyarankan memiliki pelatih kebugaran pribadi untuk mempertahankan motivasi pergi ke pusat kebugaran dengan memberikan bukti?

Orang yang menyarankan untuk memiliki pelatih kebugaran pribadi adalah Ashley Anderson. Kesimpulan ini tersurat dari pernyataannya: If you can afford it, getting a personal trainer makes a huge difference.

Soal 4

What is the tone of the thread regarding tips of maintaining motivation to exercise at the gym?
(A) Objective
(B) Critical
(C) Enthusiastic
(D) Optimistic
(E) Indifferent

Jawab: (C)

What is the tone of the thread regarding tips of maintaining motivation to exercise at the gym?
Apa nada topik mengenai tips mempertahankan motivasi berolahraga di pusat kebugaran?

Dari beberapa respon yang diberikan. Banyak yang antusias untuk membahas kegiatan olahraga di pusat kebugaran. Dari memberikan saran agar memiliki teman untuk pergi sampai mendapatkan pelatih kebugaran pribadi.

Jadi, nada topik mengenai tips mempertahankan motivasi berolahraga di pusat kebugaran adalah Antusias (Enthusiastic).

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