Pembahasan Contoh Soal LBE UTBK SNBT 2024 dari

Ada sepuluh contoh soal literasi bahasa Inggris (LBE) yang diberikan panitia penyelenggara SNPMB 2024 melalui halaman Kesepuluh contoh soal LBE UTBK SNBT terdiri tiga bacaan dalam bahasa Inggris. Bacaan pertama diguankan untuk menjawab contoh soal LBE UTBK SNBT 2024 nomor 1 sampai 5. Bacaan kedua (Text 2) dan ketiga (Text 2) untuk menjawab contoh soal LBE UTBK SNBT 2024 nomor 6 sampai 10.

Berikut adalah sepuluh contoh soal LBE UTBK SNBT 2024 dari halaman

Bacaan I untuk nomor 1 sd. 5

Harley Bear
August 5, 2023
What are some of your great frugal hacks that helped you a lot?
Breanna Shaw
August 17, 2023
Pack your lunch for school or work instead of eating out. Make your coffee at home to prevent stopping on the way somewhere to buy some. Anytime something needs repaired, watch a YouTube video first before calling a technician. Sometimes it can be an easy fix that you can do yourself to save money.I have more tips, but I think I have made this answer long enough.
Yaseer Said
September 3, 2023
Always ask yourself this question before buying anything: “Do I need it? What if I don’t buy this one, and save the money for any other need?”
Kerry Baldwin
September 4, 2023
You know what is pathetic? Being poor when you’re old, and you will be old someday. Learn to live within your means and put your money back for retirement.
Caleb Beers
October 15, 2023
Most of the “frugal hacks” you hear will be about ways to buy things cheaply. Those are great, but I’ve found that much of frugality comes down to self-control, i.e.,not buying stuff you don’t need. Also, self-control is a lot harder than just looking for cheap stuff. For example, I want the latest smart phone, but my phone is still working very well. So, I don’t buy a new one.
Daniel Tay
October 25, 2023
Frugality means different things to different people. To me, it means not wasting something that can be reused or repurposed. I’ve taken this to a level that some people may consider extreme: I don’t buy anything.

(Adapted from

Soal no 1:

Who explicitly suggests to live frugally by not purchasing any stuff?
(A)  Breanna Shaw
(B)  Yaseer Said
(C)  Kerry Baldwin
(D)  Caleb Beers
(E)  Daniel Tay

Jawab: (E)

Who explicitly suggests to live frugally by not purchasing any stuff? → Siapa yang secara tegas menyarankan untuk hidup hemat dengan tidak membeli barang apa pun?

The sentence “I don’t buy anything” is similar in meaning to “not purchasing any stuff.”  

Kalimat ‘Saya tidak membeli apa pun’ memiliki arti yang mirip dengan ‘tidak membeli barang apa pun’.

Daniel Tay
October 25, 2023
Frugality means different things to different people. To me, it means not wasting something that can be reused or repurposed. I’ve taken this to a level that some people may consider extreme: I don’t buy anything.

Soal no 2:

The word “frugality” in Daniel Tay’s post is closest in meaning to …
(A)  modesty
(B)  simplicity
(C)  thriftiness
(D)  strictness
(E)  cheapness

Jawab: (C)

The word “frugality” in Daniel Tay’s post is closest in meaning to … → Kata “frugality” dalam postingan Daniel Tay paling dekat artinya …

Arti: frugality = kehematan.


Thriftiness means being careful with money or resources, which is closest in meaning to frugality. Other options do not capture the meaning expressed by the word “frugality.”

Berhemat berarti berhati-hati dengan uang atau sumber daya, yang maknanya paling dekat dengan berhemat (frgugality). Pilihan lainnya tidak memiliki makna yang dekat dengan kata ‘berhemat’ (frugality).

Soal no 3:

Who posted the least relevant answer to Harley Bear’s question?
(A)  Breanna Shaw
(B)  Yaseer Said
(C)  Kerry Baldwin
(D)  Caleb Beers
(E)  Daniel Tay

Jawab: (C)

Who posted the least relevant answer to Harley Bear’s question? → Siapa yang memberikan jawaban paling tidak relevan terhadap pertanyaan Harley Bear?

Kerry Baldwin’s explanation about being old and poor is less relevant to Harley Bear’s question about frugal hacks. Other options give direct answers to Harley’s question.

Penjelasan Kerry Baldwin tentang menjadi tua dan miskin kurang relevan dengan pertanyaan Harley Bear tentang hemat. Pilihan lain memberikan jawaban langsung atas pertanyaan Harley.

Soal no 4:

Who disapproved that being frugal is being cheap by giving evidence?
(A)  Breanna Shaw
(B)  Yaseer Said
(C)  Kerry Baldwin
(D)  Caleb Beers
(E)  Daniel Tay

Jawab: (D)

Who disapproved that being frugal is being cheap by giving evidence?  → Siapa yang tidak setuju bahwa berhemat itu murah dengan memberikan bukti?

The evidence can be seen in the last two sentences of Caleb’s post. (Buktinya terlihat pada dua kalimat terakhir postingan Caleb).

Soal no 5:

What is the tone of the thread regarding useful frugal hacks?
(A)  Supportive
(B)  Respectful
(C)  Indifferent
(D)  Judgmental
(E)  Contradictory

Jawab: (A)

What is the tone of the thread regarding useful frugal hacks? → Bagaimana pendapat topik mengenai peretasan hemat yang bermanfaat?

All participants involved in the thread are in favour of being frugal. Other answers are irrelevant or in contradiction.  

Semua peserta yang terlibat dalam thread ini mendukung untuk berhemat. Jawaban lain tidak relevan atau bertentangan.

Bacaan II untuk nomor 6 sd.


An actor creates and performs a character by using cognitive empathy or Theory of Mind (ToM). It is the ability to represent others’ mental states. ToM plays a critical role in understanding and navigating social situations. Reflection into the character’s mental life depends on the actor’s approach to character performance. This may be an important part of the character-creation process. This process involves the exploration of the history, motivations, beliefs, and values of the character. This exploration often goes well beyond the information contained within the script. In other words, for many actors, creating a character involves a complex application of ToM, which includes several brain regions such as the temporoparietal junction and posterior cingulate/precuneus.

The temporoparietal junction works in processing and judgments of self and others. According to some studies, overcoming self–other interference and ToM is a deeply integrated process. Findings show that simulating others has been shown to influence self-knowledge. In this simulation, trait and memory measures become similar to a simulated other after adopting their perspective. Some brain regions are deactivated when trained actors use the first-person fictional perspective of a character to answer questions. This is in contrast to a situation when actors answered questions from their own perspective. It suggests that acting may involve the suppression of self-processing.

(Adapted from


According to a recent study, when actors take on a new character, they may be able to suppress their everyday self. This implies that theatre training may have a big impact on the fundamental mechanisms of the human brain. Researchers in this study worked in collaboration with Flute Theatre. They created and delivered interactive productions of Shakespeare for autistic individuals and their families. They used a series of sensory drama games, known as the Hunter Heartbeat Method.

The team used wearable brain imaging technologies and physiological measurement devices. They were first introduced at UCL’s Department of Biomedical Engineering. Both devices were used to evaluate the brain activity of actors as they rehearsed scenes from Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream.

The findings showed that when the actors heard their own name during the performance, their response was suppressed in the left anterior prefrontal cortex of the brain. This is usually associated with self-awareness. The same result was witnessed consistently in six actors who were tested when rehearsing several times over a week. Meanwhile, when the performers were not in acting conditions, they responded normally to hearing their own name.

According to the lead researcher, this is the first time that neuroscientists have been able to record brain activity in actors as they perform a role. We hope that this study will help us understand what theatre training does to the brain and to build new connections between neuroscientists and theatre professionals.

(Adapted from

Soal no 6:

According to Text 1, cognitive empathy or ToM ….

(A)  is an important skill for actors to supress themselves to create a new character

(B)  explores history, motivations, beliefs and values of a new character

(C)  enables actors to use several brain regions to be professional acting coaches

(D)  is a simulation implemented by actors to answer questions from others’ perspectives

(E)  deactivates an actor’s brain regions to process information contained within a script

Jawab: (A)

According to Text 1, cognitive empathy or ToM … (Menurut Teks 1, empati kognitif atau ToM …)

“An important skill” refers to “the ability” mentioned in Text 1 Paragraph 1 Sentence 2. (Frasa “keterampilan penting” mengacu pada “kemampuan” yang disebutkan dalam Teks 1 Paragraf 1 Kalimat 2).

Soal no 7:

The italicized word “They” in Text 2 Paragraph 1 refers to …
(A)  actors
(B)  the fundamental mechanisms
(C)  researchers
(D)  interactive productions
(E)  autistic individuals

Jawab: (C)

The italicized word “They” in Text 2 Paragraph 1 refers to … → Kata “Mereka” yang dicetak miring pada Teks 2 Paragraf 1 mengacu pada …

The word “They” refers to reseachers stated in the previous sentence. Other options are incorrect.

Kata “Mereka” mengacu pada peneliti yang disebutkan pada kalimat sebelumnya. Pilihan lain salah.

Soal no 8:

Which of the following sentences from Text 2 is an opinion?

(A)  According to a recent study, when actors take on a new character, they may be able to suppress their everyday self.

(B)  They used a series of sensory drama games, known as the Hunter Heartbeat Method.

(C)  The findings showed that when the actors heard their own name during the performance, their response was suppressed in the left anterior prefrontal cortex of the brain.

(D) The same result was witnessed consistently in six actors who were tested when rehearsing several times over a week.

(E)  We hope that this study will help us understand what theatre training does to the brain and to build new connections between neuroscientists and theatre professionals.

Jawab: (E)

Which of the following sentences from Text 2 is an opinion? → Manakah dari kalimat berikut pada Teks 2 yang merupakan opini?

Option E contains the word “hope” that implies an expectation that has not been fulfilled, while other options are related to the data based on the studies reported in the text.

Opsi E memuat kata “harapan” yang menyiratkan harapan yang belum terpenuhi, sedangkan opsi lainnya berkaitan dengan data berdasarkan penelitian yang dilaporkan dalam teks.

Soal no 9:

The results of the evaluation of actors’ brain activity when performing a character can be found in …

(A) Text 1 Paragraph 1 and Text 2 Paragraph 1

(B)  Text 1 Paragraph 2 and Text 2 Paragraph 3

(C)  Text 1 Paragraph 1 and Text 2 Paragraph 3

(D)  Text 1 Paragraph 2 and Text 2 Paragraph 4

(E)  Text 1 Paragraph 1 and Text 2 Paragraph 2

Jawab: (B)

The results of the evaluation of actors’ brain activity when performing a character can be found in … → Hasil evaluasi aktivitas otak aktor saat memerankan suatu tokoh dapat dilihat pada …

The key words that indicate the research results can be found in Text 1 Sentence 5 (i.e., brain regions) and Text 2 Sentence 1 (i.e., their response was suppressed in the left anterior prefrontal cortex of the brain).

Kata kunci yang menunjukkan hasil penelitian dapat ditemukan di Teks 1 Kalimat 5 (yaitu, wilayah otak) dan Teks 2 Kalimat 1 (yaitu, respons mereka ditekan di korteks prefrontal anterior kiri otak).

Soal no 10:

What is the relationship between Texts 1 and 2?

(A)  Text 1 argues the importance of using cognitive empathy for acting, which is criticized by Text 2.

(B)  Text 1 explains how the brain works when an actor performs a character and Text 2 compares the devices used in the study.

(C)  Both texts explain the mechanisms of the human brain, but they focus on different participants.

(D)  Text 1 explains that in the character-creation process, an actor suppresses their self-processing, and Text 2 further elaborates the brain mechanisms.

(E)  Texts 1 and 2 explain how creating and performing a new character using cognitive empathy can help actors to be more professional.

Jawab: (D)

What is the relationship between Texts 1 and 2? → Apa hubungan antara Teks 1 dan 2?

The substances expressed in option D correctly relate ideas in the two texts. Text 2 contains more explanation about the brain mechanisms.  Substances in other options are fully or partially incorrect. 

Substansi yang diungkapkan pada opsi D menghubungkan gagasan dalam kedua teks dengan benar. Teks 2 berisi penjelasan lebih lanjut tentang mekanisme otak. Substansi dalam pilihan lain salah seluruhnya atau sebagian.

Demikianlah tadi pembahasan contoh soal LBE UTBK SNBT 2024 dari halaman untuk SNPMB 2024. Terima kasih sudah mengunjungi idschool(dot)net, semoga bermanfaat!

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